Thursday, May 8, 2008

Day 98: Ticket Quota

Programming Tip of the Day: If your configuration changes don't actually change anything, make sure you're changing them on the right machine!

Today I finished the missions cycle; when you get a mission you can now complete it by fulfilling its ending requirements. This turned out to be pretty easy - I have a MissionEvaluator that helps out in this case. In the old TraderMission days, it was a full-fledged state, but that meant I could only complete (or give) missions whenever a state would transition, and not when the player's just flying around. Now, you could create a mission that gives players 1000 credits just for hanging out in a sector for a given amount of time.

I had a strategy when it came to putting in tickets to the tracker. I'd only do it if I came up with an idea that I couldn't do immediately (which is why milestone:Polish currently has 36 outstanding tickets) or at the end of a session so I'd remember what I was working on when I started up next.

I finished #123 at the very end of the session. And I found out that instead of creating no tickets, I created tickets for anything that I might want to do next. It's a much better way of putting tickets in the tracker, and I think does a lot for my productivity. Knowing what I'm going to work on next removes some of the fun. Now I've got tons to choose from!

Wait, that might not be a good thing.

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