Thursday, May 22, 2008

Day 112: Branching Out

Good news, everyone! Rubygame 2.3.0 is out!

Actually, as it turns out, that's not good news - at least not for me. 2.3.0 is an interim release between the old Rubygame and Rubygame 3000 (or, as it is more properly known, Rubygame 3). When Rubygame 3 development began, I ported my game over to it. The release of 2.3.0 isn't a big deal so far as that's concerned, because all I really need to do is make sure that my game is released sometime after Rubygame 3 is, and my game's going to take a while to be released so this isn't a problem. No, the reason it's an issue is because...

... I'd have to learn about branches.

Rubygame trunk switched from 3.0 development to 2.3, and 3.0 was moved into a branch, and I had no freaking clue what that meant. Thus, I had to do a little research into Subversion. It turns out to be pretty easy. I went to my rubygame working copy and did a:

svn update

Then, following the directions as laid forth in this section, I did:

svn switch

(Whitespace added so the edges aren't cut off - that's all actually one line)
That command gave me the following error:

svn: Failed to add directory
'ext/chipmunk': object of the
same name already exists

The obvious solution was to blow away the chipmunk directory and update again, which seems to fix it.

Disclaimer: I don't use any of the chipmunk features in my game, it having been begun before the library was integrated into Rubygame. So you may have to rebuild your chipmunk.

In the usual style of my posts, all the above text took 15 minutes. I spent the other 45 refactoring code out of the random cargo generator and into #146: Random scout missions. It was pretty easy to write those, as the cargo generator already had code to generate random destinations, and that's all scouting missions are.

It passes its tests, but doesn't have an editing component. That's tomorrow's work!

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