Monday, May 26, 2008

Day 116: Line10k

I finished my compulsory two hours of work today two lines of code short of 10,000, so I went on to work for another two hours. If you look at the summary to the right, you'll note that in that two hours, I wrote a whopping 10 lines of code. This was because there were tons of bugs and it required a lot of subtle fixes that were also wrong.

All four hours were spent on #125, the ticket to put in saner text editors. As it was before, you could only change the last bit of anything you were typing. So if you'd made a typo a paragraph earlier and just now noticed it, you'd have to delete your way to it, fix it, and then re-type everything.

Today marks the second time I've had to sit down and do some work on paper. It initially seemed easy to figure out where a cursor should be drawn; I was iterating through each line of the input, adding the size of that line to a running total, which I would then compare to the caret's position. This was error prone and hard to tune.

Then, after writing down an example, I figured out that I could determine which row of the input the caret was on by counting the number of newlines before it.

Later, I kept getting these strange off-by-one errors. I'd been thinking that the caret - an index pointing to where in the original string any changes will be made - was off from the displayed string because the display had extra newlines put in there from word wrapping. It wasn't until I wrote down a sample situation that I realized the extra newlines were replacing spaces (because that's where the words would wrap) and my intricate correction code was causing the off-by-one problems.

Additionally, because I want 'home' and 'end' to be valid text editing keys, I had to change the "emergency end the program" key away from 'end'. It's the backslash now. I accidentally ended the program twice today anyway.

For those interested, the 10,000th line of code is:

<child name='flags'/>

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