Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Day 144: Your Ship has Come In

So I decided on a whim to cater to that tiny but vocal minority of players who might one day want a ship other than the horrible tiny one they start with. #170 is thus done!

In the fine tradition of making things worse for myself, I then made #171, #172, and #173.

#171 should prevent people from jettisoning mission-related cargo, which is a surprisingly hard fix. The part which displays this is too general to know that it's even displaying cargo, let alone which is mission related. I plan to cheat and have it check to see if its object understands :mission_related, and disallow jettisoning. This also opens things up to one day having missions give the player temporary weaponry and/or addons.

#173 is my pie-in-the-sky ship previewer. When comparing ships, it'd be great to get a side-by-side comparison, complete with how many more (or less) of a given attribute the new ship has. That's easily extended to addons, too.

#172 is, um... making tutorial items actually cost money.

One of my bosses at work has a Staples easy button that says "That was easy!" when pressed.

I'm lobbying to have the voice clip replaced with "That was surprisingly difficult!"

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