Sunday, June 1, 2008

Day 141: Slow Ride

No, that's not the title because I took it easy today; it's because my lines of code increased by a whopping 30 over 2.25 hours of work.

Of course, LoC don't tell the whole story - I'm surprised it was positive, as I did some refactoring today and removed a fair bit of code (the old market dialog, for instance). Sometimes the most productive days are the ones where the LoC count goes backwards. That's one of the other ways this differs from Nano.

Today was touchup. #165 required me to put scrollers around the new fancy editors I'd made, and I did it and it was surprisingly easy.

#166, on the other hand, was not so easy. It requires me to have a 'preview' of the cargo/addon/weapon you want to buy. Not a big deal, the preview part was easy. It was the "This requires 1 hardpoint and 2 expansion space, and you have 0 hardpoints and 0 expansions left" part. I essentially made it so any Buyable adapter knows what kind of requirements the things it holds have. The ShipCargoAdapter has "cargo", ShipAddonAdapter will have "expansion" and "hardpoints", etc. These are mapped to actual function names, so I can then dynamically generate the message.

That part's done for the "You have 3 cargo free" part, but not for the requirements. I'm already over my quota for the day, though, so on to tomorrow!

Procrastination for the win!

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