Sunday, August 24, 2008

Day 225: More Returning

Getting back into the swing of things is difficult. Sundays are great for working on the game because I feel pressure to make something out of my weekend and time's running out; every other day... not so much.

That said, milestone:Tutorial is complete. Sometime soon, hopefully this week, I'm going to look at RubyScript2Exe, see if I can get it integrated into Rake, and have a 'preview' available. I've started to set up a few VirtualBox VMs for testing. Likely the preview release will be linux-only, unless I get very very inspired to build it on windows.

I'm at a critical juncture for this game, because it was right around exactly this point that I stopped developing for TraderMissions. The engine was there, I'd written a tutorial that worked perfectly, I was all ready to create my new universe, and then my enthusiasm for the project vanished entirely.

I'm hoping that won't happen this time. One of the big differences between TM and Kuiper is that Kuiper has a built-in editor. A lesson I learned from TM was that I don't especially enjoy creating content when I could be programming. Hopefully the editor will streamline these efforts for me.

While we're hoping, let's hope I continue working on this and you can all see a blog from me tomorrow!

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