To recap: The idea behind MD was that I could label objects (say, sectors) in a certain way, and then distribute objects (say, fleets) to aforementioned sectors. So if I'd created a trading fleet, I could put it in every inhabited sector at once rather than one-by-one going through each sector and adding the fleet manually.
The only thing this really required was some GUI work (the actual adding of the objects was, as it turns out, ridiculously easy), but it required something I hadn't created before: Namely, a way to find any object in the entire universe. Thus was born:

On the top-left, all the model classes in the game. When selected, the results show every object of that type. The top-right features every label in the game, and when it's chosen it'll show every object with any of the selected labels. When both are active, it shows all objects with any of the selected labels of the given type. For my example above, I picked "KuiFleet" and "traders" to get the trading fleet I'd just mentioned. There's another one of these for the 'destination' objects (i.e. all the sectors in the universe) - there I chose "KuiSector" and "inhabited". A few button clicks later and I'd placed 20-some-odd fleets.
What this means is that I'm likely to return to creating actual content soon. I haven't kept the blog updated because I've been doing the same thing every day ("Look, listboxes are broken! Look, the OmniChooser is broken! Look, both are broken at once!") but hopefully now the MD will speed everything up and I'll have more to say.
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