Sunday, November 23, 2008

Day 316: Weapons of Ordinary Destruction

I fixed an important bug today: In the old system, changing an object's tag after it had been created was a bad idea. The game would simply crash upon reloading, if not sooner. The new system exchanged this fatal bug for a more subtle one: Re-naming caused duplicates to exist in the repository (the old name stuck around).

This sounds trivial to fix - just see if there's an old tag and delete it. However, objects which are duplicated (like, say, weapons) always have the old tag of the object they were created from. So any new weapons were destroying the old instances.

But can't I check to see if they're being duped? Yes, I can - now. Most of my coding work today was enabling exactly that. So now you can change an object's tag, and unless you change it from object_thing to object_thing:4490, you're fine.

Hint: Don't do that.

Finally, I created every weapon I wanted to be available to the player at the start of the game, and distributed them to all the planets where I wanted them to be available.

Unfortunately, I used up all of the weapon art I had in TraderMissions, thus meaning I'm going to have to create new stuff soon. Re-learning Blender, ahoy!

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