Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Day 332: Hindsight

In retrospect, it would have been a good idea to make the "have you completed this mission" system a little more unit-test friendly. More on that in a moment.

Every fleet the game is going to have for part I is done. You may have noticed how I keep talking about parts of the game and whatnot. Why is this? Well, the plot's in three parts. How will the player know? That's the other major ticket I completed today: Banner states. Simply put, this scrolls things (probably words) upward so the player can read them, so I can now create all the "PART II: The Revenge" scrolling goodness I want. I've already implemented the game's credits screen this way.

I also started making the random missions for my game. In any coding project, I'm always a bit wary of returning to some functionality I haven't used in a while, for fear it'd broken somehow in the meanwhile. As superstitious as this sounds, it happened to be the truth this time around: My junk was broke. Some of this was changes I'd made in the meantime, and some of it was the fact that parts never worked correctly in the first place.

For instance, random missions. My testing of this involved generating one and then flying around and making sure it worked. That was fine. What I neglected to do Way Back When I first made the functionality was test it any further. It turns out, when a random mission generator makes more than one mission, it tacked on the conditions for every other mission it generates. Oops.

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